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No scripts, no predetermined path that I tell you to take. I'll spend the time to get to know you, your business, your goals, your dreams and then create an action plan to GET YOU THERE!


I've been in the pet care industry for 15+ years, chances are I have a form for that. I sell them to you. My products were created to protect my business and reduce my headaches, these I would love to share with you. My handbook for example, has been sold by other companies too, but I'll give it to you for a deal.



I'm very low key and simple if you need help, pay for my time, drop me a line and get the specific help you need. I charge you for my time so you can save time avoiding the same mistakes I made. I learned from my mistakes but it cost me a ton, I'll help you avoid that.



In 2003 after meeting her husband at a local dog park, Cara & Gerard Armour founded Active Paws Inc. knowing first-hand how hard it was to organize visits for their dogs when they weren't home. They knew little about owning a business but Cara knew how to run one. 

Within the first few years, she racked up the accolades and since has been consulting for major companies and brands like FetchFind and ProTrainings. She's also built a few companies along the way like online pet first aid & CPR, a pet supply store and grooming.

She's made some mistakes over the years, certainly in running her business but she learned how to overcome them and became literally the best in the industry. She now wants to share that with you because her passion is to prevent more people from entering or existing in this industry from continually learning the hard way. That doesn't help the pets in their care be any safer or their clients have any more respect for the pet care industry. 

Cara strives to bring more professionalism to the industry by coaching business owners to build and own better businesses by having them run smarter. At the end of the day, she wants to see fewer business owners dropping out from burnout and fewer pets getting hurt from bad decisions. 

Want to know what separates Cara from the other pet business consultants? Click the Read More button below to find out


You get time and focus on anything related to you and your business. I will also use my time to create action plans that you can get done in your already busy life wearin...
1 on 1 Session
1 hr

Located in Central Massachusetts

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